Frank Schaeffer: 'The Climate Is So Damned Poisonous, It Boggles My Mind'
The former evangelical goes on a rant about the Republican party.
Don't miss this one. This morning, Joy Reid asked Frank Schaeffer how anyone could compare Roy Moore to Jesus.
"How people who call themselves evangelical Christians, can say something like that and not be considered apostates? How can they say something like that?" Reid asked.
Frank Schaeffer responded with a righteous rant.
"Back in the day when my dad and my were going around the country, establishing the religious right based on our anti-abortion stand, one I've moved a long way from since, the whole idea was bringing America back to some moral stand," he said.
"I think about the Republican party now. Throw some words out that are associated with them. Mass shooting, Milo, Trump, Moore, Bannon, rape, child molesting, neo-Nazis, white supremacy... what is going on with the Republican party?
"I'm not shocked by Donald Trump. I'm not shocked by Roy Moore. He's a loudmouth, gun-toting fool. What I'm shocked by is the complicity. You read the subtitle of my book. That is not an overstatement. We are in a political climate that's built on one lie after another. I just want to say for the record, by the way, I believe a woman who stands up, which is very difficult to do and comes forward with a story like that. She was a Trump voter. She's a Republican. I believe her. I just want to say that as a father and grandfather and someone that respects women, I believe her," he said.
"Let's say I didn't believe her. Let's say she was lying. What are the Republicans doing jumping to the defense of Roy Moore by saying things like, well, it's kind of like Jesus. It's kind of like Mary, who by the way, as you, I was brought up on the virgin birth. I guess they're all Unitarians now.
"We have a situation where the Republican party has become complicit. Milo, mass shootings, Bannon, Moore. Donald Trump would have been in jail if he was caught grabbing a woman by the crotch without her permission. That's criminal assault. The climate is so damned poisonous, it boggles my mind. I left the evangelical world a long time ago, but I swear to God, if I was a Bible-believing, evangelical Christian who believed what my father believed, I would stand up and make the same denunciation I'm making now.
"This is pitiful. So disgusting."