Gold Trader Is Now A Cooperating Witness Against Flynn

And Rudy Giuliani was working on his behalf. Will he be implicated? Stay tuned.

Looks like the feds have access to a cooperating witness against Mike Flynn!

The story says that Flynn was offered something like $15 million to help Turkey's President Erdogan win the extradition of cleric Fethullah Gülen -- and the release of gold trader Reza Zarrab.

The story broke late last night that Zarrab, who was supposed to go on trial soon for the gold-for-gas deals between Turkey and Iran that violated U.S. sanctions, is scheduled to begin in just days, is now working with federal prosecutors.

Ali Velshi talked about the implications for Flynn.

"We don't know, frankly, how high his knowledge could go, beyond Flynn and other people," NBC News reporter Julia Ainsley said.

"To that point, we know that Erdogan's very interested in this guy," Velshi said. "We know he talked to Joe Biden. We know he was trying to influence Preet Bharara. Rudy Giuliani's name has shown up in this and apparently spoken to Erdogan about this guy. What's that got to do with this?"

"We know that Rudy Giuliani was involved this case and he could potentially be implicated for his help with Zarrab. We reached out to Giuliani, have not gotten a response and he remains another intriguing piece of this because he was involved in the Trump campaign, as well," Ainsley said.

"So really, what this is all coming back to, Ali, the fact that Robert Mueller has a strategy that seems to be working well where he tries go from the outside in. From the outermost circles to get people to cooperate and turn on those on the inside, so that he can figure out what's happening inside this campaign and potentially inside this White House."

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