GOP New Jersey Freeholder Who Mocked Women's Marchers Loses Seat To Women's March Participant
The irony is too delicious

Sometimes you read the headline and you laugh so hard that tears run down your cheeks because of the sheer irony of it. Yeah, that was this moment.
Here is the story:
John Carman, a Republican misogynist who held a position in New Jersey's "Atlantic County Board of Chosen Freeholders", posted an utterly tasteless and sexist meme on Facebook mocking the Women's March which said:
“Will the women’s march end in time for them to cook dinner?”
Well, women didn't like that and protests ensured, with one woman going so far as to bring him a box of mac and cheese with instructions on how to cook his own damn dinner.
The Philly Inquirer reports that Carman swore he was just joking in a "ha ha, only women cook dinner because I still think it's the 1960's and men work and women cook and clean" kind of way.
Well, Ashley Bennett, a psychiatric emergency screener from Egg Harbor Township didn't think so. So what does any strong, opinionated, fired up woman who marched in the Women's March do? She ran against him. Spoiler alert: SHE WON.
Oh, and her win was overwhelming, with her receiving over 1,000 votes more than Carman.
Contacts by the Inquirer, Bennet said:
“People want change. I am beyond speechless and incredibly grateful to serve my community. I never imaged I would run for office.”
This win comes on the heels of an insane Blue Wave that crushed the GOP, with one of the other most consequential wins in Virginia, with the monumental win of Danica Roem, the first transgender member of ANY U.S. State Legislature. Oh, and the person she unseated? Robert G. Marshall, who calls himself the "chief homophobe" actually authored the now dead "transgender bathroom bill" as well as numerous other bills targeting marriage equality.
This is how we do it, Democrats. Start at the state level. County. City. Town. Dog catcher. Work our way up until we take back DC.