Hannity Pal Mark Levin To Get A Weekend Show On Fox News

The Hannitization of Fox News continues with today’s announcement that hatriot Mark Levin will have his own hour-long show on Fox News. Or maybe I should call it the "Breitbartization" of Fox.

Hannity Pal Mark Levin To Get A Weekend Show On Fox News

The Hannitization of Fox News continues with today’s announcement that hatriot Mark Levin will have his own hour-long show on Fox News. Or maybe I should call it the "Breitbartization" of Fox.

This is how Fox euphemistically described Levin’s upcoming show, “Life, Liberty & Levin”:

Airing each Sunday at 10PM/ET, Life, Liberty & Levin will explore the fundamental values and principles undergirding American society, culture, politics, and current events, and their relevance to the nation’s future and everyday lives of citizens. The hour-long program will feature Levin’s lively in-depth and long-form interviews and powerful debate style with consequential guests covering history, philosophy, and economics. Levin will also capitalize on his extraordinary knowledge and compelling perspective as a constitutional lawyer to discuss the American founding, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

In making the announcement, [President of Programming Suzanne] Scott said, “Mark’s passion for the principles found in the Constitution and success in talk radio has made him a distinct figure in the media landscape. We look forward to adding this spirited program to our weekend lineup.”

What Fox calls Levin’s “passion,” “powerful debate style” and “compelling perspective” on the Constitution is what any decent person would more likely describe as demagoguery and hate mongering.

Some examples of Levin’s “passion” and “powerful debate style” have already been seen during friendly chats on the Hannity show:

February 19, 2015: “Obama has shown no indication that he loves the Constitution, he never talks about capitalism, he’s always bringing up the past, he’s always picking at scabs. Even now, he’s a patsy for Islamic terrorism. Half of his speeches are about how terrible America is.”


I think Obama is a religious and historical illiterate. I think he really does have contempt for this country. …He doesn’t think like us. He doesn’t react the way we do.

February 13, 2013: “Big deal, [Obama] won an election… I’m sick and tired of him and his party and his sycophants constantly promoting ideas that will attack [the Constitution].”

August 27, 2014: “We’re living increasingly in a post-constitutional period. This president is destroying the United States Congress with the help of his party, with the help of Harry Reid in the Senate… We’ve never seen anything like this in American history. …We do not have these ethical-leaning Democrats anymore who are standing up to this president. …He’s eviscerating what’s left of the Constitution. And let me be very clear about this: He is attacking American sovereignty with this U.N. deal that they’re talking about, with the open borders, the executive fiat that he’s talking about. These are all efforts to destroy American sovereignty by Barack Obama.

Yet, there's no reason to expect we'll see Levin worrying about Russia attacking our sovereignty by interfering in our last election. Nor will we likely see him concerned about Donald Trump violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, his endless conflicts of interest nor his suspicious ties to Russia.

As Media Matters noted, “Levin has proven to be a reliable ally of the Trump administration in the past year, using his platform to defend Trump’s unfounded lies, to amplify the White House’s attacks on the free press, and to target prominent Democrats and progressives for opposing the efforts of the [Trump] administration.”

In short, Levin is a conservative talk show host cut out of the same mold as Sean Hannity.

As unhinged as Hannity has become lately, Fox News seems to be doubling down on his brand of punditry. Recently, Fox has hired Hannity’s race-baiting protégé Tomi Lahren. Nazi-tied Sebastian Gorka credited Hannity for his new contract at Fox. And now we’ll soon have the dog-whistling Levin on board.

Levin’s show is scheduled to begin in February, 2018.

Watch Brian Stelter discuss the Hannity show’s extremism below, followed by a discussion with Media Matters president Angelo Carusone about that organization’s advertiser boycott campaign against Hannity.

Then ask yourself, what kind of company not only puts this kind of poison on the air but wants more of the same?

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