John Oliver Explains Why Trump Can't Be Allowed To Claim 'Incompetence'
From Last Week Tonight Sunday November 5
John Oliver last night:
There are three people from the Trump campaign facing serious charges about their entanglements overseas, and in all three cases, Trump’s pushback has basically been: ‘I don’t know anything about the people I should have known those things about.’
He’s playing the Trump card, and what I mean by that is, he’s using his own incompetence as a defense,” he said. “It’s the same way that you might excuse the behavior of a dog or a small child. If you found your dog pissing on a rug and then your child urinating on the dog, you would think, ‘Yeah, I’m annoyed, but they’re idiots who don’t know what they’re doing so they get to walk away from this one.’ That is the Trump card.
We cannot accept the Trump card as his defense here because if we do, just think about what we would actually be saying there.
We’d be saying: ‘Look, this guy is too dumb to really understand what he’s doing, so I guess we have no choice but to let him keep being president.’ Please let’s not do that.”