WATCH: Joyner Lucas Video ‘I'm Not Racist’ Sparks Conversation About Race Relations

About as raw as it gets.

Rapper Joyner Lucas' new video released today is racking up millions of views, and for good reason. It's damn good.

Source: CNN

It opens with a white man in a "Make America Great Again" hat ticking off racist trope after racist trope:

How African Americans are lazy, aimless, shiftless. How there's a double standard when it comes to using the N-word.

The scene is from rapper Joyner Lucas' music video for "I'm Not Racist," and there's no doubt, it's uncomfortable viewing. Profanities prevail; misconceptions fly.

But get to the second verse, and the song takes a surprising turn -- when a young man in dreadlocks gets his chance to respond, to rebut the generalizations, to recount being stopped by the police and rebuffed for jobs.

There's a reason "I'm Not Racist" is racking up millions of views online. It's driving a conversation about the state of race relations in America. A really, really, really raw conversation, and just how far apart blacks and whites are in how they see things in this country right now.

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