Mike Barnicle: 'We Can't Wait For History, The Judgment Is Being Made Now'

The bare-minimum president delivers the bare minimum -- a pulse.

The Morning Joe crew discussed the low minimal standards for Trump's behavioral abroad after he attacked the intelligence community during his trip. Mike Barnicle was appalled, especially since Trump installed political animal Mike Pompeo as CIA director.

"His rhetorical behavior has affected deeply the morale at Langley, in the CIA," he said.

"They wonder if he's a politician first, or DCI first. But Richard (Haas) mentioned history, and history's judgment on all of this. And sadly -- I truly regret to say this, but I -- all weekend long long, watching and following this trip -- we can't wait for history, the judgment is being made now.

"World leaders are laughing at our president of the United States who stands on foreign soil, attacks two career intelligence officials, Brennan and Clapper, calls them hacks. Attacks a former director of the FBI, calls him a liar. All of this happening after he rejects TPP that you alluded to, and while he rejects it and while they roll out a red carpet and they give him a big crowd and he's thrilled, saying things like nobody has ever seen this before for any foreign leader in China, they are picking our pockets.

"We are the United States of America and, regretfully -- I regret to say this -- the president of the United States is without a clue as to who we are, and what we represent."

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