Peggy Noonan Does Her Job: Trump's Legislative Failures Are Just Like Obamacare!
It's Peggy Noonan's job to sit pleasantly on the set of Morning Joe and make "both sides" excuses for Trump.
Hey Morning Joe, it's time to suck up to Peggy Noonan!
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Who loves Peggy Noonan?
[Off Camera]: Unanimous.
SCARBOROUGH: Everybody is raising their hand out there.
And now let's blame both sides for Trump's fail on tax and debt negotiation, and all of political history since the '90's!
SCARBOROUGH: ...So Donald Trump is supposed to be the deal maker. "Elect me; I'll make the deal." And yet yesterday in a situation where he needs Democrats to raise the debt ceiling, because as I've said before, yahoos like me always vote against raising the debt ceiling. There's 20 or 30 in the Republican party that won't. He insults the leaders -- taunts them at a key moment.
PEGGY NOONAN: Taunts them at a key moment.
SCARBOROUGH: And anybody who asks me about Washington. What do you need to know about Washington to succeed there? Know that it is not what it seems and that the minority leader in the Senate is usually the most powerful person in Washington. He taunts Chuck Schumer, he taunts Nancy Pelosi, and now he's put in a position where he may have a government shutdown with Republicans owning all of Washington. All the real estate. What are we to make of this leader at this time?
NOONAN: Well, it struck me yesterday as I watched the extraordinary White House meeting with the two empty chairs representing the Democrats who didn't come to the meeting, I just thought, "Obamacare was not successful."