Pelosi On Impeaching Trump: 'Not Someplace That I Think We Should Go'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was asked whether or not Democrats will try to immediately impeach Trump if they win back the House in 2018.
With a growing number of Democrats in the House calling for it, along with millionaire Tom Steyer out there running ads demanding they promise to impeach Trump if they take back the House in 2018, Republicans like Lindsey Graham are already using the issue as a rallying cry for their voters to gin up turnout for the midterm elections (and scare his fellow Republicans into passing their tax cuts for the 1 percent).
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was asked this Sunday on CNN's State of the Union whether or not Democrats will try to immediately impeach Trump if they do manage to win back the House by host Jake Tapper.
Pelosi downplayed Graham's fearmongering, and did her best to dampen any expectations we'll be watching impeachment hearings any time soon:
TAPPER: Well, let's talk about that, because Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer recently launched a $10 million ad campaign calling for the impeachment of President Trump.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says that if you and the Democrats take the House back in 2018, the first thing you will do is impeach President Trump.
Is that true?
I believe that, whatever we do, we have a responsibility, first and foremost, to unify the nation. Second of all, you can't go down any path without the facts and the law. If that's there, perhaps it will come out in these investigations.
I -- and the left of our party is still annoyed with me for not impeaching President Bush for going into Iraq. What could be worse than that?
But the fact is that we have got to really be saying what this election means to people in their lives. Somebody has some facts that come forth about President Trump, let the chips fall where they may. But it's not someplace that I think we should go.
TAPPER: Not a priority for you.
PELOSI: And, again, I don't want to dampen anybody's enthusiasm for what they believe, because a lot of people in our country think that the president should be impeached.
But that -- that's not a decision. That isn't what our election is about. Our election is about meeting the needs of the American people, stopping this tax bill right now, which is an insult to the intelligence of the American people, an assault on their financial security. That's what we should be talking about.
I'm sure Pelosi is trying not to give Republicans any more excuses to use her face as the Wicked Witch of the West in every other local campaign ad they run for the midterms. I don't expect it will stop them from doing it anyway.
If Trump's going to actually be removed from office, his own party is going to have to turn on him and help to vote him out. I see no signs that's going to happen any time in the near future, and I'm sure she doesn't either. Maybe that will change if enough of them finally land in prison, but who knows. I sure wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a single one of them to do the right thing.