Rubio Says It Out Loud: Tax Cuts Are First Step To Social Security Cuts

You're not supposed to say stuff like this in public, but then again, it's the toast-level-stupid Senator from Florida.

Hey Marco! You're not supposed to TELL people that tax cuts for billionaires is a way to get cuts to Social Security done!

Rubio told a "Politico Playbook Interview sponsored by the Financial Services Roundtable" (so much wrong, but I digress) that people his age, 46, might want to kiss the money they're paying into Social Security right now, goodbye forever. Via Daily Kos:

"I analyze this very differently than most," Rubio told the crowd. "Many argue that you can't cut taxes because it will drive up the deficit. But we have to do two things. We have to generate economic growth which generates revenue, while reducing spending. That will mean instituting structural changes to Social Security and Medicare for the future," the senator said. […]

"We don't need to reduce benefits on current retirees or even near-term retirees, but we can make changes for future generations such as mine, and do so in a way that people can prepare for, so the changes will barely be felt," Rubio said. […]

"Tax reform is the economic component of this equation," said Rubio, who expressed doubts that there will be a government shutdown. "When more people are working, there are more taxpayers and more revenue, but that alone won't be enough. You are still going to have a debt problem in the absence of spending cuts."

So in addition to paying the payroll taxes funding the boomers' retirements now, you post-boomers (always screwed, always) better be "prepared" for getting less than the olds before you. Pay some imaginary money into an imaginary retirement fund so you can, you know, eat in your old age.

But first, tax cuts for billionaires.

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