Sen. Warren: Who Does This Government Work For?

She said Trump has put in "one Wall Street big shot after another."

Morning Joe invited Sen. Elizabeth Warren on to talk about the GOP tax bill, and she didn't mince words.

"Let's put more wealth at the top and less strength and wealth for the rest of America," she said.

"I think the going forward point is captured in that tax debate and in the healthcare debate. It's who does this government work for? Is this a government that just works for those who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers and have a bunch of experts that are always, always, always coming to the point of view that oh, yes, we should help the rich and powerful and somehow it will work out great for the rest of America, or are we a country that genuinely believes that government is there to make sure everybody has got a level playing field, everybody has an opportunity to get in the game and do their best?

"That's what I think this is ultimately about, right now, this fight in Washington, I think this is what it will be about in 2018."

"And that vote has not been backed up. It was the crux of the message that he slammed hedge fund messengers," Willie Geist said, talking about Trump.

"He slammed hedge fund managers. 'I will bring back the manufacturing jobs. Those are the states where he won and flipped the election. And Bernie Sanders made the same argument. How do you convince those people you are the better party to do that? "

"Donald Trump has turned around and put Steve Mnuchin in charge of the Treasury," she said, pointing out how Mnuchin was in charge of one of the largest companies putting homeowners out on the street.

"He has put one Wall Street big shot in after another in all of the key positions to do what? To make this economy work better and better for the richest, thinnest slice in America. I look at this as talk is cheap. Look what Donald Trump has actually done," Warren said.

"You can't make this stuff up. Think about that. It is another example of people who are disconnected. Who thinks you put on your long leather gloves and hold a sheet of money? Who thinks you blast forward on a tax plan that people in America say, wait a minute, that will raise my taxes, and oppose it by 2-1? Who thinks you go forward on a healthcare plan that's going to knock, the latest version is, they're gonna knock 13 million people off healthcare, rolling it straight into the tax plan plus raise health insurance rates for millions of people across this country?

"The disconnect is stunning."


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