Steve Schmidt Thrashes Trump Flack: 'The Lie Has Unraveled'

Trump bootlicker, Mark Lotter, tried his best to push the "no collusion, but look at Uranium One" story....

Former Pence spokesman and Trump sycophant Mark Lotter tried really hard to deflect from the Mueller investigation by talking about -- you guessed it -- Hillary Clinton and Uranium One. Steve Schmidt wasn't having any of it, digging in and tearing apart Lotter's entire argument. It was brutal and beautiful at the same time.

Schmidt: Well, I want to address something very directly that Mark said that there's no evidence of collusion. Of course, that's not true. The chairman of the campaign now under indictment, Paul Manafort.

Lotter: for nothing that --

Schmidt: Donald Trump and --


Schmidt: Don't interrupt me. I'm talking. Donald Trump, Jr. met at the invitation of Russian nationals in an e-mail that was titled, you know, essentially from the Russian government to get dirt on the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.

Lotter: And Hillary Clinton --

Wallace: Hang on. Hang on, Mark. We'll let you respond.

Schmidt: In every instance, from the Vice President to the Attorney General to the Press Secretary, the Press Secretaries, every single person around this a direct question about contacts with the Russians on this issue has lied about it. 100% of the time and the lie has unraveled. With regard to the uranium deal in the dossier, I think that what you are engaged and involved in here is an absolute premeditated misinformation campaign designed to mislead the American people. This whole charge of collusion with regard to the Democrats is complete and total fantasy land nonsense talk that is propagated on Fox News, propagated in the conservative media and you're not being honest about it in the representations that you're making.

Steve nailed it. Every time someone in the Trump administration is asked about Russia, they lie. They deflect. They lie again. And we are seeing the dominos fall quickly, as lies are uncovered, almost on a daily basis.

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