Trump Flack: 'Time To Shut It Down' If Mueller Looks Into Trump Organization Improprieties

Anyone think they'd be singing this tune if it was a Democrat Mueller was investigating?

Anyone think they'd be singing this tune if it was a Democrat Mueller was investigating?

The right wing, led by hate talk radio and their allies at Fox "news" have been screaming to the hills demanding that Republicans shut down the Mueller investigation, or cut his funding.

CNN's Jake Tapper asked Trump flack Michael Caputo, who had previously called the now indicted Trump advisor Papadopoulos a "coffee boy" to weigh in on this Sunday's State of the Union, and Caputo agreed that's exactly what they should do if Mueller heaven forbid went beyond the scope of the Russiagate investigation:

TAPPER: So, there's a big debate right now at the White House about how the president should be responding to the Mueller investigation.

Obviously, Stephen Bannon, from outside the White House, is suggesting that he take on Mueller, hit back, try to get members of Congress to threaten to take away funding, so as to narrow the scope of the Mueller investigation.

How do you think the president should handle it?

CAPUTO: Well, I think if this investigation goes outside the scope of Russian collusion, it -- it should probably be shut down.

TAPPER: The whole thing?

CAPUTO: Well, I don't -- I'm not -- I can't tell you. I mean, we have a congressional investigation in the House and in the Senate on this.

I have had to testify in front of the House myself on it. There are questions that need to be answered, I think. It's very clear -- and I have said this since July of 2016 -- that the Russians were trying to get into both campaigns.

And, certainly, we know for a fact that they were going after Papadopoulos and Donald Jr. And we need to have answers to those questions. But if we start looking into, you know, financial improprieties in 2004 by the Trump Organization, it's time to shut it down.

From the party that impeached a president for lying about oral sex and gave us the endless Benghazi!!!! witch hunt.

All criminal activity is fine as long as you've got an R behind your name and you get their tax cuts passed.

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