Twitter Confirms Maddow's Prediction: Ending Net Neutrality Is A Very Big Deal

Rachel called it Monday night. This is a very big, very bad, deal for anyone who uses the internet.

Monday night, Rachel:

RACHEL MADDOW: Amid the lots of breaking news, the head of the Federal Communications Administration's plan to kill net neutrality. It is one of those Washington phrases that makes a lot of people's eyes glaze over. If this happens, not only is this going to be a huge political deal, this is something that will change your life if it goes through. The net neutrality rule was put in place by the Obama administration meaning internet providers can't pick which traffic goes fast and slow online. That makes the internet more or less a level playing field in terms of what content you want to access and how you want to receive it. Under the changes the Trump administration will propose, internet companies can pick and choose which stuff you get in a hurry and which stuff you have time to fold the laundry and run around the block before it gets to you in a sense they get to shape what the internet is, for money. The proposal comes up for a vote formally next month but given the Republican majority on the FCC, it's expected to pass. The FCC commissioner is going to roll out the plan tomorrow. In my opinion or in terms of the way I look at this story and how I followed it over the years, they will roll out this announcement tomorrow, I think you will probably be able to expect significant protests to start at least by the time of the rollout but more likely, they will probably start before. This is a big deal and this is going to become a very big political deal for people ...

Tuesday, on Twitter:


And finally, this whole thread includes the real reason why you should care about this issue, and what to do about it.

(Sorry, Rachel.)

UPDATE: And of course the bad guys are fighting DIRTY.

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