Chris Matthews Now In The Crosshairs Of MeToo Movement

Tweety has been a bad, bad boy.

I am loathe to give Tucker Carlson any validity (and don't think for a moment that he is immune to the same scrutiny himself--and will undoubtedly fail), but The Daily Caller is gleefully reporting that NBC News paid out a severance to an employee (allegedly in the neighborhood of $40K) who complained about sexual harassment from none other than Tweety. And honestly, can you watch that clip of Chris Matthews with Erin Burnett and think, "Yeah, that's not a surprise."?

Luckily for me, The Hill is enabling me not to give The Daily Caller any unnecessary clicks.

Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on Matthews' show "Hardball" accused the longtime MSNBC host of making inappropriate sexual comments about her while in the company of others. The sources say the company settled with the woman for $40,000.

However, MSNBC disputed the sources' claims. The network confirmed to the Daily Caller that while they paid the woman, the money was given as part of a severance package and the amount paid was "significantly less" than $40,000.

A spokesman for MSNBC told the Caller that they "thoroughly reviewed" the situation and "formally reprimanded" Matthews

Look, not to put too fine a point on it, but there's a better than average likelihood that there is not just one victim of Matthews' inappropriate actions or statements, and the video above is proof.

So the question then becomes what will MSNBC/NBC News do as this enters public awareness and more women come forward? Will they pretend, as they did with Lauer, that this is the first time they've heard of it? Will they be unapologetic and negotiate another multi-million dollar, multi-year contract with Tweety as Murdoch did with O'Reilly? Or will they unceremoniously dump him, as they did with Mark Halperin?

Women everywhere want to know.

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