Donald Trump Can't Wait To Get Back On The Campaign Trail

Huge rallies. The biggest crowds of adoring fans, and TV cameras on him every day.

Ready for the 2018 midterms yet, folks? Because Donald Trump is. HIS calendar is filling up!

President Trump is not on the ballot in 2018, but the White House is planning a full-throttle campaign to plunge the president into the midterm elections, according to senior officials and advisers familiar with the planning.

Trump’s political aides have met with 116 candidates for office in recent months, according to senior White House officials, seeking to become involved in Senate, House and gubernatorial races — and possibly contested Republican primaries as well.

The president has told advisers that he wants to travel extensively and hold rallies and that he is looking forward to spending much of 2018 campaigning...


“For the president, this isn’t about adulation and cheering crowds,” White House political director Bill Stepien said in an interview. “This is about electing and reelecting Republicans.”

As Bill Stepien competes for the Sean Spicer Memorial Trophy for lying to the public with a straight face. And he left out the Trump Russia investigations from his "political calendar planning"? SAD!

So we know what Donald Trump plans to do. Nobody knows what Bob Mueller plans to do (ha).

What do we plan to do?

We plan to archive video of everything Donald Trump does. Each day. On our servers. So no corporate-owned network or White House liar or Republican strategist gets to re-write history for their own convenience.

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