Fox’s Faulkner Gushes Over ‘Leadership’ From Republicans On Sexual Harassment

Fox News’ Harris Faulkner and Katie Pavlich were visions of hypocrisy as they sat on their high horses condemning Sen. Al Franken while giving passes to the sexual misconduct of Donald Trump and likely Republican Senator-to-be Roy Moore.

Fox News’ Harris Faulkner and Katie Pavlich were visions of hypocrisy as they sat on their high horses condemning Sen. Al Franken (with a jab at Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy) while giving passes to the sexual misconduct of Donald Trump and likely Republican Senator-to-be Roy Moore. There wasn’t much talk about Republican Blake Farenthold’s misconduct, either.

The breathtaking hypocrisy began with gloating over Democratic calls for Franken to resign. “ “So far, three men have joined the chorus of women,” Faulkner said excitedly.

The #OneLuckyMan for the Outnumbered show was Trump’s former deputy campaign manager, David Bossie. That all but guaranteed a pass to Trump as well as his support for Moore.

Nevertheless, Bossie said that the demands for Franken to resign made it “a good day for the conversation that we’re all having about sexual harassment in the workplace.”

“It’s the photographs” that sank Franken, Bossie said, ignoring the infamous video in which Trump was caught boasting about sexually assaulting women.

Predictably, none of the four female cohosts reminded Bossie about that.

Instead, cohost Pavlich sneered, “I wonder if at their next DNC convention, at the next presidential election, whether they will still be glorifying Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.”

Yeah, and how much do you want to be that at the next RNC convention, Fox News and the GOP will still be glorifying Donald Trump?

Pavlich also “wondered” if Democrats would make a “clean house sweep” or if they would just be “sacrificing” Franken. This, as she showed not a bit of concern about Republicans' cleaning their house.

Faulkner feigned nonpartisanship. “This is not a political thing,” she laughably claimed. “I mean, the disrespect and the disregard for the freedom and for the respect of women on Capitol Hill that we are learning about in droves.”

Finally, at about three minutes into the conversation (more than halfway through), Faulkner mentioned that Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold has offered to pay back the $84,000 in public funds he used to settle a sexual harassment claim. According to CBS News, “Farenthold is the only sitting House member since 2013 to have used the congressional Office of Compliance account to pay for a sexual harassment claim.” Somehow, that didn’t come up.

However, when Bossie said Farenthold has “gotta go,” not one of the four women piled on.

Cohost Sandra Smith turned the discussion back to Franken by quoting the words of some of the senators who have called for him to resign.

Faulkner added more anti-Franken quotes. Then the gushing about Republican efforts started:

FAULKNER: I will say this. There has been such leadership on the Republican side of the aisle in terms of the women. You’ve got Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn and others co-authoring, co-sponsoring bills that would go after, revealing the names and the amounts in that [Congressional] slush fund that were particular to sexual harassment.


BOSSIE: This is a tremendous opportunity for the women in Congress to try to help clean this up and do a great job for our country to move past this.

The real “tremendous opportunity” here was for these Republican shills to look like they care about sexual harassment and assault while giving a pass to the Groper in Chief. In addition to his video boast, Trump has been publicly accused of sexual harassment or assault by 16 women. And now, Trump and the GOP are supporting candidate Roy Moore, despite many credible accusations of pedophilia.

Watch this shameful and shameless display above, from the December 6, 2017 Outnumbered. Below is the powerful video from Brave New Films of 16 women telling their stories about Trump’s sexual abuse.

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