Fox's Laura Ingraham: 'Desperate' Democrats Hoping Trump Fires Mueller

After months of demanding that Trump do exactly that, the gaslighters on Fox "news" are now trying to pretend this is all an evil plot by Democrats.

The gaslighters over on Trump TV have been demanding that their Dear Leader fire Mueller for months on end, and doing their best to discredit the Russiagate investigation. Now they're calling that move a "mistake" and insisting that the notion that Trump would do such a thing an act of desperation by the Democrats.

From Fox's blog: Ingraham: 'Desperate' Democrats Hoping Trump Fires Mueller, But He Isn't Falling for It :

Laura Ingraham said Democrats are revealing how desperate they are by persistently warning President Trump not to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller despite Trump and his team repeatedly stating that he has no plans to do so.

"Don't be deceived for a nanosecond by the Democrats’ dramatic warnings that the president better not fire special prosecutor Mueller," Ingraham said on her program Thursday night. "They're actually hoping he'll do just that."

She explained that the credibility of Mueller's Russia probe has been tarnished by a series of bombshell reports.

"The anti-Trump bias of the investigators is off-the-charts," Ingraham said. "Firing Mueller may be the Democrats' only hope at this point. There's only one problem for them: the president isn't falling for it. He outsmarts them every time."

Ken Starr, the independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation, agreed that Trump will not fire Mueller, although some of his supporters are advising him to do so.

"We don't need another 'Saturday Night Massacre,'" Starr said, referring to Richard Nixon's 1973 firing of a special prosecutor and the resignation of his attorney general during the Watergate scandal.

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz echoed remarks he made earlier this week and said that the White House actually has Mueller right where they want him.

"What they're doing is keeping the pressure on Mueller, they're questioning his integrity, they're challenging whether he had conflicts of interest, they're questioning whether he should have gotten a warrant," Dershowitz said. "They're hoping that since they're putting pressure on him and he has such concern about his reputation that he may lean over backwards in a close case to support the Trump side."

"The last thing Trump should do and, I think, would do is fire Mueller at this point."

So why are they changing their tune? Have they decided that just discrediting the investigation is enough to protect Trump?

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