A Furious Mika Tears Into Trump Over This Morning's Tweet

She described herself as "shaking" with anger.

This tweet really pissed off Mika Brzezinski this morning as Morning Joe broadcast live from Alabama, and she called out Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her inevitable defense:

(While implying that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand would have sex for money, Trump was acknowledging that no one would have sex with him for any reason other than money. But I don't think he realizes that. Poor pathetic thing!)

"I just want to -- I just want to say something beyond the fact that is reprehensible that the president of the United states would say something so derogatory and disgusting about a woman -- we're not surprised, Mr. President," an angry Brzezinski said.

"You do it all the time. You treat women terribly and you treat the women around you even worse. And you treat women like punching bags because it's fun for you. You're intimidated by women. That's your problem. Okay, but for the people who work for you, you need to act. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, good luck today in the briefing. Don't lie. And do not defend the president of the United States for what he did. If you do, you have no credibility -- you should resign.

"It just makes my blood boil. It makes my blood boil," Elise Jordan said. "You know, Kristen Gillibrand might be on the other side of the political aisle, she is a class act, she's a brilliant woman. She's had a great career, she's an inspiration, and he's trying to silence her by, insinuating that, parentheses, 'would do anything for money.' It's so gross and beneath the office."

Katty Kay pointed out that Trump wanted exactly this kind of response.

"He does it to provoke a reaction from women. It's obscene, the implication coming from someone in the Oval Office and 'would do anything' for them. The language is appalling, but he likes the fact that this then creates a bias, and that's what is sick about it."

None of them mentioned the obvious, which is, what is Trump trying to distract from today?

Let's give Sen. Gillibrand the last word.

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