Good Guys Of The Year: The Resistance
It's not self-serving to note how much we actually accomplished in the Trump year 2017.
ADAPT, The Little Lobbyists, and other disability rights activists.
Town Hall attendees.
People who called, wrote postcards, marched, and raged against them.
Election workers and volunteers.
And YOU. Supporting the Resistance, electing Democrats in Virginia, Alabama, and elsewhere.
Supporting this blog during fundraisers, in the comment threads, and in social media.
Thanks to everyone.
There was a tweet, I can't find it now, but it said something to the effect of "can you handle one more year of Trump." It felt so good to hear from so many respondents: "I can 'handle' anything because we can NOT give up this fight. We have to end this so we can begin the work of REBUILDING our democracy, our society, our nation."
And onward we go.