Great News! Inauguration Protestors Found Not Guilty On All Counts In 'J20 Riot' Case
This case was an example of fascism under the Trump DOJ. It was also a victory for constitutional rights.
The only thing that is a riot about this trial... is the trial.
You won't believe this prosecutor. I would suggest she be disbarred but Trump will probably appoint her a federal judge.
The case involved six people (two of whom were medics and one a reporter) in Washington DC on the day of the Trump inauguration. That day a hoard of black-hoodied protestors broke windows and set a few cars on fire. The six people on trial today were part of over 185 people being charged with crimes related to the property damage and "rioting."
Here are some highlights of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Kerkhoff's in-court performance:
- She brought James O'Keefe video to the trial.
- She told the jury that the concept of reasonable doubt is “clearly written by a bunch of lawyers. It doesn’t mean a whole lot.”...
- ...which forced the JUDGE to stop her from addressing the jury while he told them she did not mean what she just said.
- And her main witness was a policeman who was not AT THE PROTEST that she claimed was the one where the crime occurred. This policeman was follows O'Keefe and 4Chan conspiracy theorists on Twitter.
- She tried to convince the jury that a medic carrying gauze, GAUZE, was proof of intent for violence.
- Finally, her whole case was based on guilt not only by association, but by mere location. "You don’t personally have to be the one that breaks the window to be guilty of rioting."
As I said, she seems like Trump Federal Judge material to me.
And these six people and the approximately 185 others still waiting for trial disposition had their lives turned upside down because this is what fascist governments do. Guilt by association and trials based on politics, along with punishing bystanders and reporters.
It's terrifying that we depend on the incompetence of Trump's so-called administration, to keep our Constitution alive.
One outlet interviewed a juror -- kept anonymous -- who said the jury had careful discussions of each piece of evidence but ... "at no time" ... was there a possibility ... they would find defendants guilty.
h/t Daily Beast and Unicorn Riot