Hannity To FBI: Just Because I Likened You To The KGB Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Love You!

One week after Sean Hannity agreed with regular guest Gregg Jarrett that the FBI “has become America's secret police” that acts “like the old KGB,” Hannity had the nerve to announce, “I love the FBI. I love law enforcement. I love our intelligence community.”

One week after Sean Hannity agreed with regular guest Gregg Jarrett that the FBI “has become America's secret police” that acts “like the old KGB,” Hannity had the nerve to announce, “I love the FBI. I love law enforcement. I love our intelligence community.”

Although the “KGB” comments were the most shocking, the fact is that Hannity regularly attacks the FBI and the intelligence community as the “deep state” sabotaging America.

For example, on December 4, 2017, Hannity said:

The American justice system, your system is literally hanging by a thread. Our constitution hangs in the balance tonight,


Is America, now, as my friend Mark Levin says becoming a post-constitutional Republic?


Now, President Trump is reacting to this new information. He’s tweeting out. “After years of Comey with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation and more running the FBI, it’s reputation is in tatters. Worst in history. But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness.”

The president is 100 percent right about James Comey and about Hillary Clinton, and about there being a double standard for Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Comey, as you probably know, is the former FBI agent fired by Trump after refusing a pledge of loyalty. Comey is reportedly very popular among the rank and file. Many were reportedly distraught over his firing.

Thursday night, Hannity continued his inflammatory attacks on the FBI and the intelligence community which, of course is linked to Hannity’s real target, the Mueller investigation:

HANNITY: This entire investigation is corrupt to its core. It has now become a witch hunt and it’s now the time where Jeff Sessions needs to do his job. It’s time for you the American people to understand this. According to a new poll, 54 percent say, Robert Mueller has a conflict of interest because of his friendship—he’s BFF with James Comey. And as we have been telling you, these two are best friends, and as Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett has pointed out on many an occasions, their relationship could also actually be a violation of the law.


And I see a big house of cards that is about to come collapsing in because now we are getting to the raw part of this which is there is a deep state, laws are being broken. The things we have been saying about weaponizing the intelligence community and corrupt people at the highest levels.


TOM FITTON: Spying by the FBI, Justice Department, Intelligence Agencies on the political opponents of the administration of Barack Obama into Hillary Clinton.

HANNITY: Yes or no.

FITTON: Bigger than Watergate by far.

HANNITY: I say Watergate on steroids. Human growth hormone overdoses.

It’s not just Comey and Mueller Hannity is smearing and besmirching (to borrow one of his favorite phrases). It’s agent Peter Strzok, even though, as Fox’s own Judge Andrew Napolitano explained, it’s ridiculous to expect agents not to have political views. And, oh, yeah, Strzok also disparaged Bernie Sanders and Eric Holder.

HANNITY: Mr. Speaker, I want to get into the specifics of this. This is very profound. Because on a level far deeper than Watergate ever was here, there is corruption at the highest levels. This is no longer paranoia. It’s provable fact that the fix was in here. You have James Comey. Then you have the pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, Peter Strzok and then his girlfriend [FBI agent] Lisa Page…


NEWT GINGRICH: At every level, this is undermining our system of justice.


HANNITY: The rule of law in jeopardy. Do we have a dual justice system?

Yet, later, Hannity said, “I want to be clear, I love the FBI. I love law enforcement. I love our intelligence community, but at the top, we have got deep corruption.”

By the way, the FBI is not the only law enforcement agency Hannity has deliberately tried to undermine. He spent weeks fomenting armed insurrection against federal law enforcers in the Bureau of Land Management on behalf of his bigoted pal, outlaw rancher Cliven Bundy.

Yeah, I'm sure the FBI agents are really feeling the love, Sean.

Watch Hannity knife the FBI in the back above, from the December 14, 2017 Hannity show.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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