Have You Cut The Cable TV Cord? Thanks For Supporting C&L!
Hulu and Netflix, but no cable? It's time to support LIBERAL media!

Hulu is $7.99. Netflix almost ten bucks. If you have cable whoa nelly you know how much that is. And how much do you pay for your phone ...so that you can play Clash of Clans?
The fact is, at Crooks and Liars you get curated video from cable news with no pre-roll ads. And most important, these videos won't be taken down because some right-wing media conglomerate decides you need to watch Boris Epshteyn "support the president" instead.
Seriously, what we watch and how it gets to you is under attack. We at Crooks and Liars work hard every day to make sure you have access to liberal content and a record, an ACCURATE record, of the atrocities against truth going on in the so-called Trump White House.
Crooks and Liars has real people writing here, and real expenses like server space (very expensive!) to keep the videos coming. And not just new videos but the care and feeding of our video library archive, consisting of over 30,000 videos for over 200,000 minutes of viewing fun, all of which do not have pre-roll ads. You know data isn't free, and it's worth supporting because hey, C&L keeps it progressive.
We really need to raise $10,000 by the end of this month to keep those servers fed and cared for. You can help.Any amount is welcome, but we really need folks who pay $7.99 for Hulu or other streaming to commit to the same amount monthly here at C&L. Your recurring payment will make such a difference in our ability to keep the video server up and running. Thank you so much.