Jeanine Pirro: James Comey Is A 'Political Whore'

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

A woman with a history like Jeanine Pirro’s is not exactly in a good position to be pointing fingers at the former head of the FBI as less than honorable. Just saying.

Pirro was not only married to an alleged mobster for decades, she came close to becoming a criminal herself when she was caught discussing wiretapping said alleged mobster husband with Bernard Kerik, of all people.

Maybe that’s why Pirro was feeling sensitive when she spoke on Hannity about Joy Behar gloating over the possibility of Donald Trump going to jail as a result of the Russia investigation.

PIRRO: When someone is cheering about the fact that “he’s going to jail, he’s going to jail,” and they’re talking about the president of the United States, the first thing I say to myself is that person is un-American.

Pirro forgot to mention that she’s A-OK with someone cheering about a secretary of state and/or presidential candidate going to jail. Because I’m old enough to remember Pirro’s friendly interview with Michael Flynn in November, 2016 (the referenced security incident in Reno confirms the date) several months after Flynn led the RNC convention crowd in a raucous chant of “Lock her up!” about Hillary Clinton.

I’m also old enough to remember Pirro repeating that cry on her own show, in late October.

Of course, host Sean Hannity didn’t mention any of that.

And I remember Pirro saying, “I believe in the rule of law” (right after she got a speeding ticket for driving 119 MPH in a 65 MPH zone) just a few weeks ago.

That Jeanine Pirro now smeared the former head of the FBI:

PIRRO: There are are good, decent people in the FBI. […] Most of them. But the management, and the dirt started really bad with Jim Comey. Jim Comey changed the whole color. […] And let me tell you, he ran his office very well, and then he turned into a political whore, and he changed the nature of the FBI..

Watch it above, from the December 4, 2017 Hannity, via Media Matters.

Originally published at

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