Orrin Hatch Bemoans 'Freeloaders' Threatening The CHIP Program

While he reassures America that poor children will get their healthcare, Sen. Orrin Hatch blames all the money going out to freeloaders for the difficulty in getting passage.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-naturally) of Utah has been flirting with the idea of retiring, so perhaps it's that "nothing left to lose" attitude that lets him go on the Senate floor and bemoan the millions and millions of freeloaders (buying into liberal philosophy) that drain the federal treasury so that it's difficult to keep good programs like CHIP running.

Let me tell you something, we’ll do CHIP, there is no question about it in my mind. It has to be done the right way. But the reason CHIP is having troubles…we don’t have any money any more. Just to add more and more spending. You look at the rest of the bill for more and more spending. I happen to think CHIP has done a terrific job for people who really needed the help. I have taken the position around here for my whole senate service, I believe in helping those who cannot help themselves, but would if they could. I have a rough time wanting to spend billions and billions, trillions of dollars to help people who won’t help themselves. Won’t lift a finger. Expect the federal government to do everything.

>>Will the gentleman yield again?

In unfortunately the liberal philosophy, created millions of people that way. Believe everything they are or ever hope to be depend on the federal government rather than the opportunities that this great country grants them. I have got to say it, I think it’s pretty hard to argue against these comments. Because if you look it over, for decades now, we have been spending more than we have, fielding more and more federal programs, some of which are lousy. Some of which are well-intended. And some of which are actually good like the CHIP program. We’re going to get CHIP through. There is no question about this.

Just so you aren't missing the fullness of Orrin Hatch's inhumanity, this is the man who helped author and usher into passage a draconian tax bill that cut taxes in the trillions to TRUST FUND BABIES who do nothing for themselves.

CHIP is an $8 billion program. The Senate bill passed in the early hours of Saturday morning includes $6 trillion in tax cuts, financed by $4.5 trillion in tax hikes elsewhere.

Gosh, where will the funding to let poor children have healthcare come from when "worthy" Americans like Paris Hilton and Javanka get their much-needed tax relief?

I haven't seen a chart yet for this proposed fiscal year's expenditures, but just to give you an idea of where we spend money when we're not dumping on people without advantages, here's FY 2016's chart:

CHIP is just a small sliver of that light green wedge. That's it. But Orrin Hatch worries that all those other programs are making it hard to get that little sliver funded.

If the Dems were smart, they'd make ads of this clip interspersed with pictures of Americans struggling while Jared and Ivanka go on yet another ski trip and Don Jr. and Eric go hunting wild game and run them continuously between now and 2018.

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