Our Top Ten Video Countdown For 2017 - #3 - Trump The Puerto Rico Quicker F**ker Upper

Donald throws paper towels at hurricane victims like a champ.

As Karoli wrote in October:

One of the photo ops was at Calvary Chapel, where he handed out a few cans of food before deciding to play Paper Towel Football with the people in the room. Of everything those folks need right now, paper towels are probably NOT at the top of the list but that didn't stop some genius in the White House from thinking it would be great for Trump to throw them at people like he might throw stale bread at ducks.

Much of Puerto Rico is still without power over 100 days later. And if you think that doesn't matter to the mainland, ask your local hospital how many IV bags they have left.

This video is number three in our countdown of the top videos of the year 2017.

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