Our Top Ten Video Countdown For 2017 - #5 - Trump 'More Reliable Than Jesus'

A Trump supporter shows exactly why they call it Cult 45.

One of the hallmarks of 2017 was the Northeast Corridor media's obsession with interviewing Trump voters. Whether in studio or in their "natural habitat," there were endless articles and segments about a group of people who are less than one in three Americans, but sucked all the oxygen out of our body politic by electing the worst so-called president ever.

As I wrote about this standout last month:

CNN had another Trump supporter (no, CNN, they are Republicans. Republican Trump supporters. Don't you dare call it Trumpism) panel and one of the participants let loose this doozy:

"If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to check with the President if it's true.'"

One woman on the panel rolled her eyes, and the other two women made that big smile deer-in-the-headlights face rather than disagree.

Have they even read Matthew 10:33? Something about if you deny Jesus before men, Jesus will deny you before God. Blonde Republicans sat there and smiled at the camera while a guy blasphemed. So much for Christian Coalition!

This person admits he held a "Blacks for Trump" sign at a rally at Mar-a-Lago.

This video is number five in our countdown of the most memorable videos of the year 2017.


*There are some videos that while they did not get top viewer numbers, deserve mention because of their 'OMG!' quality. This is one of those.

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