Tomi Lahren: 'So Glad Leftist Media Decided To Make Fun Of Hillary Clinton'

It's too bad her glee doesn't extend to those moments when they make fun of Tomi Lahren.

With her “happiness” over Vanity Fair’s mockery of Hillary Clinton, Tomi Lahren proved once again she has nothing to add to any discussion other than mean-spirited partisanship. But her widdle fee fees are still being triggered by Kathy Griffin!

In case you missed it, Vanity Fair’s The Hive tweeted a snarky video of six New Year’s resolutions for Hillary Clinton. Basically, the suggestions amounted to telling her to move on and find something else to do other than remain in politics.

As The Washington Post noted, even though Vanity Fair has produced similar videos for others, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Gary Cohn and even Trump, the Clinton video hit a nerve with the left. A #CancelVanityFair hashtag was spawned on Twitter in response.

In typical Fox News fashion, the Hannity show “discussed” the Vanity Fair video, not with any analysis of why it should be defended and not with anyone who was offended by it, but with two of its most hate-mongering, blustery conservative pundits: Dan Bongino and Tomi Lahren.

Bongino saved most of his vituperation for the completely-unrelated-except-for-its-opportunity-to-bash-the-left issue, Melania Trump’s decision to cut down a magnolia tree at the White House. But even he agreed that the Vanity Fair video was “stupid.”

Obamacare-hypocrite Lahren, however, savored the moment merely as an opportunity to attack the left:

LAHREN: I am just so happy that the mainstream media, the leftist mainstream media, might I add, “Vanity Fair,” actually decided to make fun of Hillary Clinton. I give them some credit for that because they are not really quick to do that and they’re going to take some heat for it but I applaud them. Finally, they’re coming to their senses and they got a sense of humor.

Yet, Lahren only seems to find humor when the left is being targeted. When it’s a conservative being skewered, Lahren turns into a melting snowflake. Apparently, she has still not recovered from a photo of Kathy Griffin holding up a fake, bloodied Trump head:

LAHREN: But going back to the humor of the whole thing. Now, this is the left. This is a group of people. Kathy Griffin included who thought it would be funny. Thought it would be a joke to decapitate President Trump and pose for “art.”

And let’s not forget that in October, Lahren whined that she is “pretty sick and tired” of “liberal entertainers” speaking out about gun control.

But with Clinton in the cross fires, Lahren rejoiced.

LAHREN: But now, if we make fun of Hillary Clinton going in the woods or going to Whole Foods suddenly that that’s below the belt? I’m sorry. I don’t quite see it the way they do. I don’t expect them to change but I love triggering them because I just get really a kick out of it.

Notice that Lahren had nothing to say about the substance of the video, just a spewing of malice.

And while she was at it, she went on to smear the rest of the left, also without any real insight, but with a dollop of race baiting, one of her signature features:

LAHREN: They [the left] really have no platform. They have no agenda. All they want to do is resist. It’s going to be really hard to win an election in 2018 or 2020 when the only thing that you have, the only thing you’re promoting is identity politics and resistance. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is winning for all Americans. I’m really excited to see how these next elections are going to come out.

In fact, Republicans are facing a big blue wave in 2018 and Trump is so historically unpopular, he is one of the few incumbent presidents not to have been chosen as the most admired man in America in Gallup’s annual poll. The winners? Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In fact, Clinton has won that title 22 times, more than anyone else.

Watch the shallow, facile Lahren above from the December 27, 2017 Hannity.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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