Colbert Promotes Himself For Trump's 'Dishonest Media' Awards

"For your consideration."

The competition for these Trump media awards is intense. Does Colbert have what it takes to make it to the winners circle? As is traditional, Colbert is quietly promoting himself for the honor. Via Variety:

Stephen Colbert took the opportunity on Wednesday night’s episode of “The Late Show” to unveil his bid for Trump’s “Dishonest & Corrupt Media Awards,” which the president announced in a tweet Tuesday.

“Or, as we call ’em in the biz, the Fakies,” Colbert quipped. “Because nothing gives you more credibility than Donald Trump calling you a liar, and I, of course, don’t want to get snubbed.”

Colbert went on to explain that he had placed a billboard in Times Square — “the failing New York Times Square” — announcing his candidacy in all categories, including “Outstanding Achievement in Parroting George Soros’ Talking Points,” “The Eric Trump Memorial Award for Disappointment,” and “Smallest Button” — a jab at Trump’s recent tweet aimed at Kim Jong Un in which he claimed to have a larger nuclear button than the North Korean leader.

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