Fox 'News' Fans React With Anti-American Glee To Fatal Mudslides In CA

And people still ask why the country is so divided. These people are why.

The response from Fox News fans to the deadly flooding and mudslides in California proves that this is a network for people who hate America.

Today, FoxNews.com reported:

At least 13 people were killed Tuesday after a powerful winter storm drenching Southern California sent mud, rocks and debris plummeting down wildfire-scarred hillsides and into several neighborhoods, some of which house lavish celebrity homes.Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown confirmed the deaths at a news conference Tuesday, in which he said the affected areas of the state "looked like a World War I battlefield."

Fox also reported that more deaths are expected.That engendered hideous glee from a slew of readers who seem to have nothing but hate and hostility toward their country.

Watch the slide show of the devastation that accompanied Fox's article above and see just how full of hatred and devoid of humanity these Fox fans are.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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