Hypocrite Of The Day: Nikki Haley (Limerick Edition)

Nikki Haley had the nerve to rail against conspiracy theorists today. In front of the world...

There once was a Haley named Nikki
Whose public announcements were sticky,
When she challenged "conspiracies"
The world said, "hypocrisies!"
And held up the Sean Hannity Wiki.

You'd think Nikki Haley would dread
To be seen with her face turning red.
But she just kept on talking
And the world kept on balking:
COME ON, Nikki, Anwar is dead!

But it's okay, Haley's not beat,
She's firm in her UN cheap seat,
But then she met Hell,
Quoting Elie Wiesel,
With a "Right Side of History" tweet.

No, I am not making that up.

So Haley is not a brain-whiz.
Still, I think she should take one small quiz.
I'd just like to ask her,
(And this would un-mask her)
If she knows who the President* is.


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