Jack Kingston: Trump Campaign Staffers Were Not 'Stupid Enough' To Collude With Russia

Jack Kingston, former congressman (R-GA), argued recently that the Trump campaign could not have colluded with Russia because no one in the organization "would be stupid enough" to do it.

Jack Kingston, the former Republican congressman from Georgia and an early supporter of Trump's campaign, argued recently that the Trump campaign could not have colluded with Russia because no one in the organization "would be stupid enough" to do it.

During a CNN panel discussion on Friday, Republican strategist Tara Setmayer said that she was baffled by Donald Trump because he seemed to be trying to obstruct the Russia investigation while claiming that there had been no collusion with Russians.

"When you're completely innocent, this is not how you behave," she noted. "So, why was Trump so incensed about [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions recusing himself -- rightfully -- from the situation? If there was nothing going on, why did he need [Sessions] to protect him? To protect him from what?"

"It strains credulity to think that everyone is making everything up and Donald Trump is just paranoid?" Setmayer remarked. "I don't think so."

Kingston disagreed.

"I do know the president," he pointed out. "I talked to him particularly about this. And he outraged because he does believe he's innocent."

"I was involved in the campaign," Kingston said. "I don't believe people like Kellyanne Conway would be stupid enough. I've known her for many, many years. These are ethical people."

In fact, it's been confirmed that Trump's son, Don Jr., and other members of the campaign did meet with Russians in an attempt to get dirt on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

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