Kimmel Savages Trump For Trying To Lure Friends' Wives Into Bed: 'Like Fifty Shades Of Orange Or Something'

Something tells me 'Fire and Fury' will be a punchline for the rest of Trump's Republican so-called presidency.

Whether or not you were one of the thousands of people who bought 'Fire and Fury' this week, you are online right now and that means you know what's in the book.

And some of it is just plain gross.

Last night Jimmy Kimmel highlighted another ugly bit from the bestseller: Donald Trump using a speakerphone to convince wives that their husband was cheating on them, to lure the wives themselves into an affair with him.

Jimmy Kimmel's response? The passage "was like Fifty Shades of Orange or something”

“No wonder his only friends are Fox & Friends. Who does that to his friends?”

Kimmel's attitude toward buying the book reflects my own:

“I wasn’t going to buy the book. I was going to read excerpts in magazines and move on. But now Trump’s lawyers are going all-out to try and stop it from being published, I’m buying 20 copies. I can’t buy enough of this book—I’ll buy it for my parents, my in-laws, my cousins, I’m going to walk up and down block stuffing books into my neighbors’ mailboxes.”
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