Will Trump's 'Build The Wall' Lies Shut Down The Government?

Will 'Build the Wall' vs. DACA shut down the government? Will Trump go golfing?

Bloomberg via Youtube: Almost a year into Donald Trump’s presidency, the border wall he passionately promoted throughout his election campaign amounts to eight prototypes, no more than 30 feet long each, sitting in a desert outside San Diego.

And as the video above notes, the Democrats could "give" Trump $1.8B in borrowed Chinese "money" to "build" the "Wall" and that would build 70 miles of wall or 3.5% of the border. Yay!

Tengrain notes:

...untangling the mess of issues on Washington’s calendar this month:

  1. funding the government
  2. stabilizing Obamacare
  3. renewing a children’s health program
  4. hashing out a plan to prevent hundreds of thousands of people from deportation
  5. boosting border security
  6. busting spending caps
  7. potentially lifting the debt limit

Now that amply be-chinned Mitch has used up the Senate reconciliation rules, he is going to need the Dims in the Senate to get anything done. And while he and ZEGS Ryan are truly world-class a-holes, in an election year—the 2018 Pie Fight—they (probably?) are loathe to shut down the gubmint on their watch.

Ryan and McConnell don’t give a rat’s patootie about items 2, 4, 6, or 7. They know that #3 is popular with voters, and would fund it anyway. Numbers 2 & 4 are not bugs, those are features for their base and/or donors.

So here’s the Quatloo wager: Republicans will try negotiate items #1 & #5 by agreeing to fund item #3. The Dims, of course, will be rolled.

Anyway, 2, 4, 6, and 7 will not be part of any hostage taking negotiation. I hope I’m wrong, but I suspect I’m right.

Note: if Comrade Stupid’s wall is part of #5, then I think that we head to a shut down.


But Driftglass has a great idea: Chuck and Nancy offer to LEND the money to Donald Trump to build the wall, contingent on a financial review and checking his credit score with banks in the United States, not Russian mobsters.

Point out that since Trump has promised dozens, maybe hundreds, of times that "Mexico will pay for the wall," applaud Trump's deal-making abilities and tell him he can get the money back from Mexico City.

Remind the media that the "Wall" only polls well with Trump supporters if Mexico is paying for it.

And polls terribly with everybody else. Even in border states like Arizona.


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