Pastor Robert Jeffress Attacks The Christianity Of Trump’s Evangelical Critics: They Don’t Take The Bible Seriously
Pastor Robert Jeffress, also a Fox News contributor, has suggested that if you don’t support Donald Trump, you can’t be a real Christian.
Pastor Robert Jeffress, also a Fox News contributor, has suggested that if you don’t support Donald Trump, you can’t be a real Christian.
Right Wing Watch caught Jeffress on the radio show of conservative Christian Janet Mefferd this week:
JEFFRESS: I will admit there is a divide going on among evangelicals. President Trump didn’t cause the divide, but he has exposed it. It’s been a growing divide, Janet, between evangelicals who take the Bible seriously and those who don’t. I call them the “evangelical elite”—the “Christianity of the day” crowd.
And here’s where it comes down to — think about this. President Trump is the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-Israel president in history. So why do we have this resistance among the evangelical elite while the mass of evangelicals in the pews support him? And what it comes down to is the evangelical elite really don’t embrace these values.
Jeffress’ beefs with the non-Trumper “evangelical elites” are that they think bakers should have to bake cakes for everyone (i.e. gay weddings), they care more about “the plight of the poor Palestinians” than about “protecting the Jews’ right to inhabit” Israel. And my personal favorite, the “elites” care more about people than fetuses. Or as Jeffress put it, “They are more concerned about fixing the problem with DREAMers than they are about protecting the life of the unborn.”
As Patheos noted, usually when Christians accuse other Christians of not taking the Bible seriously, they are referring to its interpretation, either as too literal or else not enough in its broader context.
But Jeffress is dividing Christians by whether or not they agree with Trump’s politics.
Listen to Jeffress’ brand of Christianity below, from the January 3, 2018 Janet Mefferd Live radio program, via Right Wing Watch.
(H/T NewsHound Priscilla)
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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