Rick Wilson To CNN Trump Enabler: 'I Will Gut You Like A Fish'

Quite the wild panel on Don Lemon's CNN show last night.

This is just a small portion of what turned out to be a wild panel on last night's CNN with Don Lemon. Panelists were giving their take on Trump asking why we want immigrants from "shithole countries" like Haiti. Never-Trumper Rick Wilson went after conservative radio host John Fredericks for defending Trump:

"You know, hearing John's and of this overtly racist aspect of it, it shocks me that we still have people in this country -- don't bother calling yourself a conservative, if you don't believe there's a way where people who come and embrace the proposition of this country can become Americans," Wilson said.

"Because we've worked very hard in this country to accept people from around the world, and of varying backgrounds. I'm sure your ancestors here weren't descended from the Mayflower in some cloud of heavenly light. I'm sure they came here from Ireland, Germany, Italy or somewhere else. Back then, they were the shithole people, they were the people who were looked down upon.

"If this is a country that's based on a proposition that we have an American system, an American dream, an American framework that allows people to come here and work hard, and raise their families, and engage in society, and contribute to society, then your idea that these people should be bounded out of here, because they happen to come from the shithole countries is absurdly unAmerican, and unconstitutional.

"if you believe that, go on Amazon, order yourself a pointy white hat, head down to Home Depot and get the wood to build a burning cross. That's what you're talking about. That's where your attitude leads to."

Fredericks protested. "Well, it's about economics, Rick. you can throw all the insults you want, and I appreciate it, but look, at the end of the day --"

"You don't appreciate it, you are a weak impotent person who can't handle the fact that there are people who don't look like you, who want to come to this country because our system is awesome. You hate that, you hate it so much, because you're so weak inside," Wilson said.

"That's your substantive argument. Rick Wilson, who backed every losing --"

"John, I will gut you like a fish on this show, if you want to keep this up," Wilson said.

Frederickson gave what he called a "substantial answer."

"You can insult me all you want, go ahead and do what you can -- tweet it out for your 500 followers.(Editor's note: Rick Wilson has 289,000 Twitter followers.) Here's the bottom line, this is not about race. The president said for two years, he is going to curtail immigration into this country which drives down wages for the American worker."

"When you allow people under a scam lottery visa program to come into the United States that do not contribute to the economic well being of the country, you're either driving down wages -- and I'm telling you Rick and Maria, and Don and Charles, this is the unholy alliance of all time, between Democrats who want open borders and free immigration."

Fredericks said it was because Dems wanted "cheap votes."

"You're trying to turn it into race and it's not. iI's about economics --"

"The president did that."

"John, John, John, the president today said he wants people from places like Norway. Those are people who are highly educated and skilled. They're going to come here. Are you cool with them coming here to take highly skilled jobs from Americans, or is it just brown people who are willing to go work in restaurant kitchens or hotels?" Wilson said.

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