Stephen Miller Claims If He Was In MS-13 CNN Would Be ‘Clamoring To Get Me Into The Voting Booth’

After his disastrous CNN appearance, Miller headed to his happy place with Tucker Carlson to spread some haterade.

After Stephen Miller’s disastrous appearance on CNN yesterday, it was as predictable as a Donald Trump tweet that he would run to Fox News for some Trumper-Republican Rehab. The Tucker Carlson Tonight show got the honors.

Miller’s belligerence to State of the Union host Jake Tapper was so obnoxious, he cut short the interview. Later, it was reported that Miller was escorted from the set by security after he refused to leave.

Supposedly, Trump-adviser Miller had wanted to talk about immigration on CNN but he got hung up on weaponized responses to Tapper’s questioning about Michael Wolff’s bombshell book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

CNN’s video of the ill-fated interview has already received more than two million views on YouTube, alone. The fact that Miller did not say anything about Wolff or his book to host Tucker Carlson suggests that even the White House knew Miller had not done himself or, perhaps more importantly, Donald Trump any favors yesterday.

So Miller focused on weaponizing the aftermath of the CNN interview. Carlson helped set up the aggression like a straight man in a comedy routine:

CARLSON: So CNN called around to news organizations today and said that you were escorted off the set by security. Presumably, you were not a physical threat, you were not armed. My question is – but they thought you were a threat – do you think if you had been, I don’t know, a member of MS-13, here illegally, that CNN would have had security pull you off the set?

MILLER: Well, I assume if I was a member of MS-13, here illegally, they would be clamoring to get me into the voting booth. But I think that like many things CNN says, this story has the most important virtue of all CNN stories of being not true. It’s an amusing story but not true.

Sorry, but I’ll take CNN’s word for what happened over a guy who clearly had no interest in a good faith discussion with Tapper and was only interested in showing off for the boss. Significantly, Carlson never asked and Miller never explained what did happen after the interview was cut short.

Meanwhile, Carlson did his best to further weaponize the aftermath.

CARLSON: Here’s what we know is true and here’s what was striking to me about the whole thing. So there was a video, apparently taken without your knowledge, of you on the set after the segment ended, during the commercial break and someone, apparently from CNN – I don’t know who else would have access to it – leaked that to other news organizations. What do you make of that?

Yes, how would anyone on a TV set ever think that video cameras would continue to roll after such a contentious interview?

Meanwhile, despite Carlson's suggestion that there really was video, he never asked Miller what he claims happened after the interview ended. Instead, Carlson had just teed up another attack for Miller.

And he took the cue. “Well, it’s just another example of CNN’s very low journalistic standards,” Miller sneered.

Then he spent most of the rest of the lengthy interview talking about immigration.

Watch Miller’s combative obstructionism backfire on him above, from the January 8, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight show.

Originally published at

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