Trump Mad At Wilbur Ross For Sleeping, Drooling During Meetings

The 80-year-old Bank of Cyprus billionaire who may be connected to Manafort money laundering keeps falling asleep while Trump is talking!

Video above is from May, when Ross blamed his snoozing, quite believably, on jet lag.

Per Axios:

Trump told Ross he didn’t trust him to negotiate anymore. Ross had tried in the early months of the administration, before Robert Lighthizer was confirmed as the U.S. Trade Representative, to take the lead on several crucial trade conversations. Once Lighthizer arrived there was a tussle for control over several issues. But after Ross botched — in Trump's eyes — his dealings with China, he decided Lighthizer would be the lead negotiator on all trade issues.

During this period, Trump humiliated Ross in front of his colleagues, per three sources, and questioned his intelligence and competence...

Ross’s propensity to doze off in meetings — which senior Capitol Hill aides have noticed — hasn’t helped.

On topic, @mattgertz has at latest count an eighty-four tweet long thread, started in July of 2017, in which each tweet states:

"If you try to work with Trump, he will humiliate you."

...and gives a specific example.

And the latest is Ross.

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