Trump Was 'Allegedly' With Porn Star While Fat-Shaming His Pregnant Wife

It's not like we need any more evidence that Donald Trump is a pig. But still.

Trump Was 'Allegedly' With Porn Star While Fat-Shaming His Pregnant Wife

Just a reminder that three "adult film actresses" have come forward over the past weekend to say they engaged in extra-marital affairs with the so-called president of the United States.

And looking back on the timeline of Trump's alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, who allegedly received $130,000 (Where did THAT money come from? I'm betting Shelly Adelstein.) one month before the election to keep quiet about the 2006 affair.

And apparently, the mainstream media is too busy figuring out how Hawaii was held by a fake nuclear bombing warning...okay that's legit.

The thing that gets me the most steamed about this is that during that time, Melania was pregnant, and Trump was insisting to Melania that she get her pre-baby body back:

About six months after they married, she became pregnant with Barron—and things changed, according to one source. She was 35—“checkout time” for women, as Trump once told Howard Stern-and no longer the dewy fox he’d met seven years earlier. A visitor to one of Trump’s homes, late into Melania’s pregnancy, recalls him remarking that he agreed to the baby on the condition that Melania would get her body back. “She promised him that everything would go back to the way it was,” says this guest; it struck this person as a “contract.” And he was simply rude to her. “There was no ‘How do you feel?’ No opening of doors, making sure she didn’t fall. Just ‘You wanted to have a baby.’ ” (Grisham counters that Mr. Trump was “very warm and supportive throughout her pregnancy.”)

As Donald’s celebrity ballooned with The Apprentice, Melania was asked to tolerate even more. His public interchanges with Howard Stern, which provided a kind of Greek chorus to their relationship, went from lewdly objectifying to grotesque. He agreed with Stern that his daughter Ivanka was “a piece of ass.” He joked that if Melania were in a horrible, mangling car crash he’d still love her as long as the breasts remained intact. When asked by Stern whether he’d be up for “banging 24-year-olds,” Trump eagerly assented. Subsequent accusations suggest similar improprieties.

And he was fat-shaming her in public:

Donald seems to agree, albeit disparagingly. As he puts it during an appearance on the Howard Stern Show in 2005, "You know, they just blow up, right? Like a blimp — in the right places. In her case, the right places. I mean she really has become a monster — in all the right places. I mean monster in the most positive way. She has gotten very, very large — in all the right places."

It also surfaces during Donald's 2016 presidential campaign that around this time, Donald tells Billy Bush of Access Hollywood that he feels free to assault women with impunity and that he once made a move on Nancy O'Dell. Melania releases a statement after the videotape leaks, saying, "The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This does not represent the man that I know."

Oh I think all of this represents the Donald Trump we know. And maybe nobody cares.

But the Republican Party never gets to use the term "moral majority" ever again.

The Women's March is next weekend.

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