Tucker Carlson On #MeToo Movement: Men Are 'Pretty Close To Being Destroyed'

Feminists are causing the “complete” “destruction” and “the disappearing” of men, Tucker says! Oh NOES.

Tucker Carlson teamed up with guest Heather MacDonald to accuse the #MeToo movement and feminists of causing the “complete” “destruction” and “the disappearing” of men.

On Tucker Carlson Tonight last night, host Carlson purported to discuss whether the #MeToo movement has ruined the lives of some innocent men. Instead of addressing any specific instances or discussing what should or should not be grounds for losing a job or how best to deal with different kinds of inappropriate behavior, Carlson hosted as his sole guest Heather Mac Donald, a woman with no apparent credentials on the subject of either sociology or human sexuality.

Mac Donald does have blatantly hostile views toward feminists and African Americans which line up nicely with Carlson’s.

Without any evidence, Carlson and Mac Donald leaped from #MeToo over-reaching to the destruction of men altogether – and it’s all the fault of feminism:

CARLSON: Where do you think this is going and the #MeToo movement at this point?

MAC DONALD: Well, it’s going toward the disappearing of men. We’re going to see a wave of new gender quotas throughout the economy on the assumption that if we don’t already have proportional representation of men and women across workplaces in science and computing and entertaining it’s because of gender patriarchies and harassment which is simply not the case.

What we’re seeing really, Tucker, is sexual liberation having a nervous breakdown. Before sexual liberation hit, in the 1950s, you had a set of traditional norms that recognized this basic truth: men and women are different. It’s not social construction. Men and women have different biological drives. Their libidos are different and we had a set of norms that restrained the male libido, norms of gentlemanliness and courtesy and chivalry and we had a default for premarital sex for females that was “No.” And that gave females the power to say yes but they didn’t have to negotiate with the male libido at every instance of some drunken coupling. Sexual liberation threw that all out and said, “Men and women should go mano a mano on the sexual battlefield. They’re equal in their desires, equal in their responses to casual sex.”

And it turns out, when you set the default at “yes” for premarital sex, a lot of women have a hard time negotiating a “no.” And instead of recognizing that we’ve sort of screwed up the default settings and are working against biology. Women are blaming the patriarchy when the opposite is the case.

CARLSON: Whatever its effects, it has not made women happier the last 50 years. I mean, there’s been a longitudinal study on this and American women have not become happier.

I wonder, if you destroy men or complete the destruction of men – they’re pretty close to being destroyed, I would say. How does that help women, exactly? What will be the effect on women?

MAC DONALD: I think you’re going to see a lot of regrets - “Why aren’t men courting me?” And, basically, civilization has been created by people with very powerful egos. It is of no relevance to me whether they were male or females. I want a meritocracy. I want people with drive to succeed. And if you have a rule that says powerful men should be out of the picture, I think we are going to reach a civilizational stasis.

CARLSON: Yeah, I mean, this has profound consequences. I don’t fully understand all of ‘em but I can smell it. This is a big deal. Heather, thank you for shedding some light on that.

Watch Carlson and fake expert Mac Donald engage in what passes for “news” and/or “analysis” on Fox News below, from the January 15, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight. Also, compare how eagerly and unquestoningly Carlson ate up Mac Donald’s baseless opinions with his disrespectful, constant interruptions of a guest trying to explain why a black community wanted invasive trees removed that were blocking views of a golf course.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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