Brainiac Don Trump Jr. Strikes Again: Dems Are Both McCarthy And Commies

Wait, what? Don Jr.'s word salads are the best salads, believe me.

So this weekend Don Jr. was "interviewed" by fellow Mensa-reject Jessie Watters on Fox News because where else would he go?

And after noting that the nothingburger Nunes memo was "sweet revenge" against the Democrats for himself and his family (yeah I know but Mensa, people!) Don also pointed out that the Democrats were like "McCarthy" and were to the left of "communists."

Twitter noticed.

Where are Don Jr's attorneys, by the way, telling him to stop saying anything whatsoever to anyone? Where's their duct tape? Because the guy in addition to showing himself to be, you know, an idiot, also seems determined to self-incriminate. He actually tweeted that McCabe was fired?!


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