Breaking: House Committee Releases Democratic FISA Memo

Trump had argued that making the Democrats’ memo available to the public would reveal intelligence gathering sources and methods.

Via the Washington Post. You can read the memo here:

The House Intelligence Committee released a redacted version of a Democrat-written memo rebutting GOP allegations that federal law enforcement agencies used politically-biased information to conduct surveillance on one of the president’s former campaign aides.

President Trump had argued that making the Democrats’ memo available to the public would reveal intelligence gathering sources and methods.

The 10-page document contains more classified information than the four-page Republican memo to which it responds. Intelligence Committee Democrats, led by ranking Democrat, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), had pledged to heed recommendations from the FBI and Justice Department regarding any redactions of sensitive information — something, the Democrats say, the GOP did not do.

But on Saturday, committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) accused Democrats of colluding with the government in a “cover up” of information as he announced the memo had been posted online

“We actually wanted this out,” Nunes told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “It’s clear evidence that the Democrats are not only covering this up, but they’re also colluding with parts of the government to cover this up.”

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