DESPICABLE: Santorum Blames School Shootings On Single Mothers, Because Why Not

The GOP is really digging for any cause to blame, other than the actual GUNS and gun laws

Rick Santorum, Trump Republican mouthpiece, continues his reign of idiocy on Sunday's CNN State of the Union with Jake Tapper. In this ridiculous segment, Santorum tries to blame another group for mass shootings - single moms. Because, why not.

Here is the transcript:

TAPPER: New polling out from CNN just now seemed to show a stunning shift in the public attitudes towards gun. Take a look at those who support stricter gun control laws now compared to after the Las Vegas shooting. Now 70 percent favor, 27 percent oppose -- 27 percent oppose. After the Las Vegas shooting it was 52 percent favor, 44 percent oppose. There does seem to be, Senator Santorum, a shift here, and maybe it's a femoral but there does seem to be a shift.

RICK SANTORUM: Well, first off, that poll only had 23 percent Republicans in the poll. So --

TAPPER: What percentage should it be?

SANTORUM: Well, certainly more than 23 percent Republicans in this country.

I mean, the numbers should be more reflective of the 35 to 40 percent of it that is Republican in this country and it's obviously higher Democrat. You had a 10-point margin between Republicans and Democrats, an overwhelming number of independents.

TAPPER: So you don't believe the poll? OK.

SANTORUM: I just don't believe -- I just think it's an outlier poll. But I do believe that there is certainly sentiment right now. This was a horrific event that released some very deep in the conscience of the country and people are looking for answers. And, you know, in my opinion certainly gun control is a debate that we need to have.

But another debate we need to have is something that's also common in these shootings. The fact that these kids come from broken homes without dads, and that is not something we're talking about and that is the commonality and that is something you talked with Chris Murphy about this. We want to talk about things we can work together on, how about working together to try to see what we can do to get more dads involved in the lives of their kids.

TAPPER: I take your point, it's not irrelevant, but for this shooter his dad had died, it wasn't a broken home. Yes.

SANTORUM: I understand that. But if it's -- over 75 percent --

TAPPER: Right.

SANTORUM: -- of the shooters these school shooters since Columbine did not have dads in the home.


SANTORUM: This is a serious issue and we're not talking about it.

Fact check: Around 50% of marriages end in divorce. Over 99% of kids from those marriages, roughly, do not end up committing mass shootings. I think Rick Santorum needs to look up the difference between "causation" and "correlation". Also, Rick Santorum needs to shut his mouth.

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