White House Lied About Rob Porter's Security Clearance
The White House was informed about Porter in March of 2017. Trump's people are lying.
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee this morning, giving them a timeline of when the agency informed the White House of Rob Porter's "issues" with domestic violence.
Perhaps at this point, it's needless to say that the White House lied.
FBI Director Wray’s timeline on Rob Porter’s background check notes that the FBI submitted a partial report in March of 2017. They then submitted a completed investigation in July, but received additional information and updated their report in November.
At each stage of this timeline the White House could have fired Rob Porter with cause.
They aided and abetted a person they knew had a restraining order in a domestic violence case.
I could write "imagine what Fox News would say if this was an Obama administration hire" but Fox is very very busy looking into the FBI's "Anti-Trump Bias."
Here's some bias for you, Fox. Either the Trump White House ignored what the FBI was sending them on purpose, or they are so fricking incompetent when it comes to national security that they didn't notice a blackmail risk was handing Trump his super secret folder each morning.
There are no other alternatives.