Is There Any Future For A GOP That Won't Control Guns? Not Likely
The fact is, demographics are not on the side of the Republican party.
On AM Joy, the panel discussed what the Parkland shooting and the movement that sprang up in its wake means for politics as usual.
Joy Reid said the landscape is already changing. "That's why we're seeing Rick Scott and some legislative leaders support very modest baby steps so far in terms of restricting access to guns," she said.
She asked Republican strategist Sarah Drumpf a pointed question.
"Sarah, you must know that the party is losing the next generation and the generation after that. These young kids have no interest of being part of this gun culture. Does that worry you as a Republican?" she said.
You will not be surprised to hear that Drumpf did everything but answer the question.
She started out by offering her "sympathy and condolences," which is just another version of thoughts and prayers.
"But what worries me is all of it the the discussion from the left is, how do we restrict guns more? We're hearing repeated government failures, four Broward County deputies who stood outside the school and waited while nothing was being done. The Coral Springs cops, the town across the highway, they're minutes away, they're heartbroken because they arrived on the scene and the Broward cops were not moving at all," she said.
"I want to know more about what was going on with the failures to follow up on the many complaints about this kid."
"The pro-cop party is turning on the police," Reid said.
"Last word, Howard Dean. Democrats have been fearful of running on this issue affirmatively. Just about everybody I know doesn't want their kids to go to school in an armed camp, doesn't want the lunch lady and teachers wielding guns and are passionate about this issue, because it's whether you live in a civilized society or a society surrounded by more weapons. Will the Dems get it together and run on this in November?"
"The party is changing dramatically," Dean said. "Forty-five percent of millennials are people of color. In kindergarten last year is the first year in our country where there were more kids of color than white kids. Our party is dramatically changing. Whether we like it or not, they will not put up craziness from the NRA.
"They are not going to do it," he predicted.
Well, yes. One of the reasons why Republicans are in full-on rape and pillage mode is that they do see the writing on the wall. All the old faithful trigger issues are falling by the wayside, voters are seeing with crystal clarity just how deeply Republicans are in thrall to special interests like the NRA (and Russia), and they're starting to revolt.
This is why it's important to turn out for every single election and vote. The sooner we vote them out of office, the better off we are.