House GOPer Calls For All 'Insults' To Devin Nunes To Be 'Redacted' From Democratic Memo

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) asserted on Tuesday that a Democratic response to a Republican memo critical of the Russia investigation includes "insults" to Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and possibly other Republicans.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) asserted on Tuesday that a Democratic response to a Republican memo critical of the Russia investigation includes "insults" to Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and possibly other Republicans.

During an interview with Wenstrup, Fox News host Brian Kilmeade wondered if President Donald Trump would release the Democratic memo without any further redactions as he had done for the Republican memo.

"I think it needs to be vetted," Wenstrup opined. "I can tell you, the [Democratic memo] we voted on to move forward to the White House certainly needs vetting and a lot of redaction of things that would compromise methods. And also, there's personal insults and attacks."

When pressed for details, the congressman replied: "There's some people -- Republicans -- named and I don't think that was appropriate."

"So they went after Chairman Nunes?" Kilmeade asked.

"Yeah, I think that we will see that that they went after a couple of key figures on the Intelligence Committee personally," Wenstrup revealed.

It was not immediately clear what information is contained in the Democratic memo that Wenstrup considers to be "insults" of Nunes and other "key figures" on the committee.

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