How To Beat The NRA At Their Own Game
NRA blames everyone but guns for mass shootings. People need to see how wrong they are.
And so it begins. From right wing Twitter bots accusing Parkland, Florida students of being "crisis actors" to conservative pundits being paid to push the NRA's guns for everyone agenda, the gun lobby is fighting mad and desperate to control the narrative. Even Donald Trump Jr. is helping to spread the fake news "crisis actors" line by liking those conspiracy riddled tweets.
Last night Marco Rubio (R-FL) once again used a mass shooting as a photo op. Just as he did at the Orland Pulse Club mass shooting, Rubio quickly made his way to the scene to express his sorrow for those who lost loved ones while refusing to pass any gun reform laws. Let us not forget Rubio has taken over $3 million dollars from the NRA and other pro-gun groups. Let us not forget that he has never, ever voted to restrict anyone's access to guns. Let remember that Rubio's children go to a private and not a public school.
Then came the disgusting spokesmodel for the NRA, Dana Loesch. Believe it or not, she actually had the nerve to say she was fighting to protect those victims and survivors from the Parkland shooting. Today at the CPAC 's annual jerk off, she claimed that survivors attacked her by rushing the stage and that she required armed guards to get out of the arena. Both Loesch and the NRA president, William La Pierre had the nerve to blame everyone but themselves or guns for mass shootings. They claimed those responsible included the media, Democrats, Obama, the FBI, Sheriff Israel of Parkland, teachers, administrators and even families. That's right. La Pierre stated that it was the "failure of families" that have caused these shootings. They even had the nerve to co-opt the language of Parkland shooting victim, Emma Gonzalez' speech. "I call bs," they proclaimed.
The NRA and the money grubbing Republicans know no limits when it comes to guns. They will not be satisfied until Americans are having shootouts in schools, grocery stores, churches...everywhere.
So the question is how to beat them.
In my mind there are several avenues. One is continually demanding lawmakers discuss gun violence. Do not vote for those taking money from the NRA. Demand gun violence studies. Organizations that are fighting for gun restrictions need to bombard the public with advertisements showing the aftermath of these shootings. Never seeing the victims, never hearing their stories is a way that the gun lobby controls the narrative.
I also believe that if it is okay to sell these weapons of mass destruction and death, then we should be forced as a society to witness the violence they cause. Politicians and the NRA will argue that it is reprehensible to show pictures of dead American children. I agree. But there would not be anything to look at if those guns were not available. If they are willing to do nothing, and continue down this path, then we should be exposed to the violence and death they cause.