Jack Kingston Takes Up For The NRA: Gun Debate About 2nd Amendment, Not A Political Group
CNN continues to lower the collective IQ of their audience by having this Trump flack on the air.
CNN continues to lower the collective IQ of their audience by having this Trump flack on the air. Former Rep. Jack Kingston adds absolutely nothing of value to any panel they include him in, and he talks over the other guests while they attempt to counter him to boot.
This Sunday was no exception, with Kingston doing everything possible to deflect from the NRA and their responsibility for these mass shootings: CNN host shuts down Jack Kingston blaming Hollywood over shooting when asked if Trump will stand up to the NRA:
Appearing on CNN Sunday morning, conservative Jack Kingston did everything he could to shield President Donald Trump form having to exhibit any type of leadership and buck the NRA when it comes to pushing forward sensible gun control policies.
Speaking with host Victor Blackwell, Kingston filibustered left and right on new gun laws while denying the NRA was a political group.
“You know what I think would be really great is if we could hear from party leaders on both sides of the aisle right now and say, ‘You know what? This is substantive, let’s get to work on it,” Kingston explained.
Host Victor Blackwell opened the segment by playing some of Trump pretending he's going to buck the NRA on background checks, and here's the better part of the exchange after Kingston's fellow guest, Maria Cardona, pointed out that Democrats would be more than willing to go along with some reasonable measures on gun control, but you can't trust Trump to negotiate in good faith and not flip flop positions constantly on anything when Blackwell asked her if Trump might be able to "bring his party along" with his proposals.
KINGSTON: You know what I think would be really great is if we could hear from party leaders on both sides of the aisle right now and say, you know what? This is substantive. Let's get to work on it. Congressman Tim Murphy, who is no longer in the House, actually initiated this about three years ago and I want to say this. The other thing is legislation has already passed the House that would be the vehicle for this. It was passed in December by the Republican congress and I don't know – I think Democrats were on board, so it has been bipartisan and what it outlines is review everything about bump stocks. Well, the president is probably going to accelerate that, probably without legislation, but it also had in there the background check. How do you improve background checks?
And so the vehicle is already pending right now in front of the US Senate and the idea of getting both parties on board, it's there and we can make that happen.
CARDONA: So one question to Jack is will the president buckle when the NRA exerts overwhelming pressure on him because they gave him $30 million during his presidential campaign?
KINGSTON: Well, why are we going to swing at the NRA, let's remember, it's about the Second Amendment and not a political group. But I would also put in this...
CARDONA: Oh, it's absolutely about a political group.
BLACKWELL: Let him answer.
KINGSTON: Let me say this. I would put in there what is the effect of violence on video games and violence in Hollywood?
KINGSTON: Jack, that wasn't the question!
CARDONA: See what I mean?
BLACKWELL: Jack, the president said in the health care conversation that “ I will take the heat.” Whatever this group puts together, I will take the heat on that. When the heat came...
CARDONA: Yes. Exactly.
BLACKWELL: … a day or two later he was backing out and doing exactly what he said he wouldn't do by asking --
KINGSTON: That's what I'm saying.
BLACKWELL; Right now the president says the NRA is for it and the NRA has said they are not for it...
BLACKWELL: ...long before he even started campaigning. What is the evidence he'll take the heat now?
KINGSTON: I know the NRA is hated by the left. But this --
BLACKWELL: It nothing to do with the left or right. It has to do with the president's commitment to doing what he says he wants to do and the NRA's insistence that it will not happen.
KINGSTON: This is about leadership. The party leaders right now should grab this, just as he said “ I want to give amnesty for 1.4 million – it's the Democrat...
BLACKWELL: Well, who is the Republican party leader? If you're saying the party leader should grab it, isn't that the president?
KINGSTON: No. I'm talking about in the legislative branch.
KINGSTON: He's is the executive branch. He has already made his position. Let's have Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell step forward and say we going to take it and run with it because the House has already done something. I think Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan can do it. I don't know why that's such a hard concept.
BLACKWELL: Jack, listen to this...
CARDONA: Because the NRA won't let them. That's why.
KINGSTON: You bristle when I brought up Hollywood just now.
BLACKWELL: Maria, hold on a second. I want to hear from the president. This is 2016, the beginning of the campaign.
TRUMP: I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools –my first day it gets signed, okay? My first day. There is no more gun-free zones.
BLACKWELL: So agree with what the president wants to do or not, Jack, it's been more than 400 days since his first day and he hasn't done that. Why should people believe he is going to do now he is going to do what he says he is going to do?
KINGSTON: Well, actually, let's take a step back because there's been a lot of misinformation about guns on campuses. 172 districts -- school districts in Texas allow it now. The state of Georgia does. Nine states have concealed carry which allow guns on campus and nine other states say you can have them in your car.
BLACKWELL: You're not answering my question! Jack, you're not even referring to the sound bite.
KINGSTON: The sound bite you said “why hasn't he done it?” What I'm saying, that a lot of it has been done already where it should be done on the state level. And we got to keep in mind that school boards make these laws, not the federal government.
CARDONA: Bottom line here.
BLACKWELL. Maria, quickly.
CARDONA: While Jack twists and turns trying to --
KINGSTON: I'm not twisting and turning! That is ridiculous.
He is trying to figure out -- trying to figure out! Whether the president will be able to stand up to the NRA, we will see if that is the possibility (CROSSTALK) Jack I'm talking!
BLACKWELL: Please, jack!
CARDONA: I am speaking Jack. While he twists and turns to see whether the president will be able to stand up to the NRA, we know that he will not. He talks about leadership in the Congress. The Republican leaders in the Congress are more bought by the NRA than anybody else in the world!
KINGSTON: I know you hate the NRA but it's not about the NRA.
BLACKWELL: We've got to wrap it there.
CARDONA: So it is going to be whether there is real leadership on the Republican party and so far they have proven there is not!
Of course, Kingston couldn't finish the segment without interrupting her a couple more times. CNN needs to show this guy the door just as they finally did with Jeffery Lord.