WATCH: Jimmy Kimmel Lets Trump Have It For Doing Nothing About Guns

The late-night talk show said, "These guys forget they work for us and not the NRA."

A tearful Jimmy Kimmel was filled with righteous anger last night as he addressed Trump over the Parkland school shooting.

"Our president, as he should, weighed in from the White House." He showed a segment of Trump saying no parent should have to worry about whether their kids come home from school.

“And here’s what you do to fix that. You tell your buddies in Congress, tell Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Marco Rubio, all the family men who care about so much about their communities, that what we need are laws, real laws, that do everything possible to keep assault rifles out of the hands of the people who are going to shoot our kids,” he said.

“Go on TV and tell them to do that.”

He went on to say that it was a perfect example of what legislators should do.

“Tell those Congressmen and lobbyists, who infest that swamp you said were going to drain — force these allegedly Christian men and women that stuff their pockets with money from the NRA year after year after year to do something now,” Kimmel continued. “Not later. Now. And don’t you dare let anyone say it’s too soon to be talking about it because you said it after Vegas, you said it after Sandy Hook, you say that after one of these.”

“Children are being murdered! Just do something! We still haven’t even talked about it. You still haven’t done anything about it. You’ve literally done nothing.”

He said Trump wants to build a wall "when one illegal immigrant gets involved in a car accident," but doesn't want to address this.

Just watch.

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