Kamala Harris Asks FBI Director If Trump Should Recuse From Trump-Russia Intel
The sickening assumption is that Republicans in the House have no qualms about leaking classified intel to Donald Trump when it comes to the Russia investigation.
At one moment in the above video, FBI Director Christopher Wray seems confused by Senator Kamala Harris's question:
HARRIS: If the president asked you tomorrow to hand over to him additional sensitive FBI information on the investigations into his campaign, would you give it to him?
WRAY: I am not going to discuss the investigation in question with the president, much less provide information from that investigation to him.
HARRIS: And if he received that information and wanted to declassify it, would he have the ability to do that from your perspective?
WRAY: Information from the?
HARRIS: However he received it, perhaps from members of the United States Congress.WRAY: I think legally he would have that ability.
HARRIS: And do you believe the president should recuse himself from reviewing and declassifying sensitive material related to this investigation?
WRAY: I think recusal questions I encourage him to talk to White House counsel about.
HARRIS: Has the FBI done legal analysis on these questions?
WRAY: Happily, I am no longer in the business of doing legal analysis. I now get to be a client and blame lawyers for things instead of being the lawyer that gets blamed.
The Republican Party in the House is clearly colluding with the White House to protect Donald Trump, so obviously, that it can be discussed in an open hearing and no one bats an eye.
Christopher Wray stated categorically that he will not discuss Trump-Russia intel with the subject of that investigation, so-called president Donald Trump. But once Trump gets classified intel from Devin Nunes or some other Republican with access to it, Trump then has the power to declassify it, or declassify only that intel that makes him look innocent.
Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre? Eat your heart out.
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